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Episode 8 - Dr Laurie Keefer on Brain Gut Psychogastroenterology

Dr Keefer's work in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and the greak work she is doing at Mt Sinai in New York allows us to explore a multitude of ideas and present some valuable and practical information by anyone challenged by these conditions and for Doctors, specialists and other health professionals to apply in clinical practice. In today's episode, we discuss the brain gut connection, psychogastroenterology, biopsychosocial model of functional digestive disorgers (like IBS), neuroimaging studies looking at functional digestive disorders and so much more. A really interesting conversation.

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Episode 7 - Isabella Trinca & Angela Khera on Biofeedback & Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

In this episode I sat down and spoke with Isabella Trinca and Angela Khera, Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists, about Biofeedback therapy and how Physiotherapy is used to treat constipation and other Pelvic floor dysfunctions, from constipation to pelvic floor dyssynergia. We also discussed what to expect from seeing a pelvic floor physio, how to sit on the toilet and how physiotherapy may be helpful with individuals diagnosed with IBD and a whole lot more.

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